
Welcome back to Spokane Dental’s blog, your go-to source for all things dental! Today, we're diving into a topic that's both practical and essential for maintaining your child’s oral health: dental sealants. If you’re a parent looking to give your child’s teeth an extra layer of protection, this post is for you. Let’s explore what dental sealants are, how they work, and why they might be the perfect addition to your child’s dental care routine.

What Are Dental Sealants?

A dental sealant is a thin, protective coating that sits on the surface of the tooth. This coating is painted onto the chewing (or “occlusal”) surfaces of the molars and premolars to shield them from decay. The occlusal surface of these teeth has grooves and pits that are perfect hiding spots for food particles and bacteria, making them prone to cavities. Sealants do just what their name suggests: the seal the grooves of these teeth, keeping out the cavity causing bacteria and ensuring the teeth stay healthy and strong.

How Do Dental Sealants Work?

The process of applying dental sealants is quick, painless, and straightforward- which is another reason why we encourage our Spokane Dental parents to consider it for their child. Here’s a step-by-step look at how it’s done:

1. Cleaning the Teeth: First, Dr. Smith thoroughly cleans the teeth that will receive the sealants. This step is crucial to ensure that no plaque or food particles are trapped under the sealant.

2. Preparing the Tooth Surface: After cleaning, Dr. Smith will apply a special gel to the chewing surfaces of the teeth. This gel helps the sealant bond to the tooth enamel. After a few seconds, the gel is rinsed off, and the teeth are dried.

3. Applying the Sealant: Now comes the fun part! Dr. Smith paints the liquid sealant onto the grooves of the teeth. This liquid quickly flows into the nooks and crannies of the chewing surfaces.

4. Hardening the Sealant: The final step involves using a special blue light to harden the sealant. This process takes just a few seconds, and voila – the sealant is in place, providing a sturdy shield against cavities.

Why Are Dental Sealants Important for Kids?

Kids are more prone to cavities for several reasons. They are still mastering the art of brushing and flossing, kids tend to consume more sugary or starchy snacks, and their molars have deep grooves that are perfect for trapping food and bacteria. Here’s why dental sealants are a game-changer:

1. Prevent Cavities: By covering the grooves and pits of the molars, sealants create a smooth surface that’s easy to clean. This barrier prevents food particles and bacteria from settling into those hard to clean grooves and causing decay.

2. Save Time and Money: Preventing cavities with sealants means fewer dental fillings, which can be time-consuming and costly. Investing in sealants now can save you from more extensive dental treatments down the road.

3. Promote Better Oral Health: With fewer cavities to worry about, your child will have a healthier smile and a more positive attitude toward dental visits.

Are Dental Sealants Safe?

Absolutely! Dental sealants are made from safe, non-toxic materials. They’ve been used for decades and are recommended by dental professionals worldwide. The procedure is non-invasive and doesn’t require any drilling or anesthesia, making it a stress-free experience for both kids and parents.

When Should Kids Get Dental Sealants?

A great time to consider dental sealants is when a child’s permanent molars come in, which is usually around age 6 for the first set and around age 12 for the second set. However, our care for each patient is individual, and if Dr. Smith notices deep grooves in your child’s baby teeth, he might recommend sealants earlier. Sealants can be effective for years, but it’s important to have them checked during regular dental visits to ensure they’re still intact and doing their job.

Caring for Teeth with Sealants

Once your child has sealants, maintaining good oral hygiene is still crucial. Here are a few tips to keep those teeth in top shape:

1. Regular Brushing and Flossing: Encourage your child to brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and floss daily to keep all their teeth – sealed and unsealed – clean and healthy.

2. Healthy Diet: Limit sugary snacks and drinks that can contribute to tooth decay. Encourage healthy alternatives like fruits, vegetables, and water.

3. Regular Dental Check-Ups: Keep up with regular dental visits. Dr. Smith will check the condition of the sealants and make any necessary touch-ups.

Dental sealants are a fantastic way to give your child’s teeth extra protection against cavities. They’re safe, effective, and provide peace of mind knowing you’re doing everything you can to maintain your child’s oral health. If you think dental sealants might be right for your child, or if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Spokane Dental. We’re here to help you and your little ones maintain bright, healthy smiles! Give us a call at (509) 822-5614 to schedule!