Bamboo Toothbrush

Have you ever walked into the dental aisle at the grocery store or pharmacy and just stood there, overwhelmed? Even to the most dentally-inclined person, the amount of options out there for toothbrushes, floss, toothpaste (not to mention all the other stuff) can just seem like too much.

If you’ve ever just grabbed the toothbrush at eye level that was on sale and called it good, this post is for you. If you’ve ever wondered if your toothbrush is working for you, or are considering a powered toothbrush over a manual, this post is for you. It’s probably safest to just say, if you have teeth, this is for you, and your team at Spokane Dental has your back.

Where to Start:

First, the best toothbrush is one you can and will use. Brushing teeth twice a day is our recommendation for healthy teeth and gums, but your toothbrush won’t do any good if it is difficult for you to use or uncomfortable in your hand. Ultimately, the toothbrush you will use consistently and correctly is the right one for you.

If You Want a Manual Toothbrush:

If you know that an electric toothbrush is not the right fit for you, we can help you narrow down your options in the toothbrush aisle. First, eliminate any toothbrush that is not labeled with “soft” or “extra soft” bristles. We know, it seems like harder bristles should equal a better clean, but bristles that are not specifically soft or extra soft do more harm than good.

Using a toothbrush with “medium” or higher bristles will compromise both the gums and enamel with use over time, and can actually wear away the tooth or gum surface. This leads to periodontal (gum, connective tissue, and bone surrounding your teeth) issues and loss, as well as enamel loss.

Now that we have the bristles taken care of, the dental aisle will seem far less intimidating. There are many manual toothbrushes at different price points, colors, and features that ultimately don’t make a huge difference in your oral health. Why not? It boils down, once again, to the best toothbrush being one you will use consistently and correctly.

Choose a manual toothbrush with soft or extra soft bristles with a handle that will be comfortable to hold and easy to use. Want a certain color? Choose that one! Looking for a more sustainable routine? Look for an eco-friendly option. The best pick is one that fits your needs and lifestyle.

If You Want an Electric Toothbrush:

If you’d like an electric toothbrush but aren’t sure where to start, we will walk you through several options. But first, if you are on the fence about whether to invest in electric, know that the studies speak for themselves. The Oral Health Foundation found that adults that use electric toothbrushes have better oral health (less decay and periodontal disease) and keep their teeth longer . The small investment in an electric toothbrush is an investment in your oral health as well as overall health, along with a reduction in future dental bills.

Similarly to manual toothbrushes, there are several options for electric toothbrushes and it can seem overwhelming to choose. It is important to note that the electric toothbrush you use could have a learning curve, and determine the technique you use to brush your teeth. The two most widely used (and known and researched) powered toothbrushes on the market are:

Electric Toothbrush


Philips Sonicare makes many different powered toothbrushes at multiple price points. No matter the budget, you can get an excellent toothbrush that will improve your oral health. Besides the effectiveness, another large benefit of using a Sonicare is the ability to use the same technique for brushing that you are used to with a manual toothbrush. Just remember to use only about half a pound of pressure, to make sure you aren’t wearing away gums and enamel. Let the toothbrush do the work!



Oral-B also makes great powered toothbrushes, although with less variety in price points. Another consideration: the round brush head can feel slightly different when brushing, and the brushing technique is a bit different. With the Oral-B Head, brush each tooth individually, following the curve of the gums.

Time for a checkup, or want to learn more about taking care of your oral health? Give Spokane Dental a call today at (509)822-5614.

1. 1ORAL HEALTH FOUNDATION (2018) ‘National Smile Month Nationwide Survey 2019’, Atomik Research, May 2019, Sample 2,003.

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