Spokane Dental Blog

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How to Treat Gum Disease

Contributed by DentalROI

Gum Disease TreatmentIn terms of oral health conditions, gum disease is somewhat overlooked. Sure, most people probably have heard of gum disease, and some will know exactly what it is and what it can do to your mouth. However, when compared to something like a cavity, the general population is pretty much in the dark on this topic.

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Best Way to Get Whiter Teeth at Home!

Contributed by DentalROI

Home Teeth WhiteningDo you want whiter teeth? Probably – most people do! There is nothing wrong with wanting to look your best when you walk out the door each morning, and part of looking good is having a beautiful smile. In addition to the alignment of your teeth, part of a great smile comes down to keeping your teeth white over the long run. Fortunately, if yours have started to fade a bit, there are plenty of options available to you today that can remedy the situation.

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Myths About Root Canal Treatment

Contributed by DentalROI

Root Canal TreatmentAs far as dental treatments go, root canal has a particularly bad reputation. This is not something that the average person thinks of in positive terms, as the commonly-accepted idea of root canal is one of serious pain and discomfort. In fact, when talking about how painful something else may have been, someone may even say that it was ‘like having a root canal’.

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How to Help Tooth Sensitivity

Karissa Barker

Tooth SensitivityTis the season for sweet treats, hot drinks, and freezing cold temperatures. The holiday season can also be one of tooth sensitivity for all of the same reasons enjoy it! Sugary and sticky foods can be a culprit for that painful zing some of us know that goes along with tooth sensitivity. Hot drinks such as cocoa or that delicious eggnog latte can sometimes stimulate sensitivity in some teeth as well. Even just simply stepping outside in the cold air can cause sensitivity for some when they open their mouth! During the holiday season, everyone wants to be focused on the joy of it all, not tooth pain! Your team at Spokane Dental wants you to know there is a way to help your tooth sensitivity!

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How to Prevent Gum Disease

Contributed by DentalROI

Gum Disease TreatmentIn terms of your overall oral health, avoiding gum disease is a huge step in the right direction. Sure, there are other issues you’d like to steer clear of while maintaining your oral health, but simply managing to stay away from gum disease is a great start. Unfortunately, many people don’t know that they are actively raising the likelihood of developing gum disease as a result of some of their habits. By cleaning up your habits – and establishing some new, positive ones instead – you can dramatically reduce the chances of winding up with periodontal disease.

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Causes for Oral Surgery

Contributed by DentalROI

Oral SurgeryWhen you are told that you need oral surgery, you’ll probably not be too happy about the news. And that’s okay – we understand that the prospect of oral surgery can be intimidating, and it is something you’d rather avoid if at all possible. With that said, it may help to think about this from the positive side. If you are going to undergo oral surgery, that means something is wrong in your mouth, and it has probably been causing you discomfort. By having surgery and addressing the problem, you should be able to move forward from this issue and look forward to a more comfortable future.

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A Season of Thanks at Spokane Dental

Karissa Barker

Spokane DentistsAs we enter into the Holiday season your Spokane Dental team is reflecting on all we are thankful for. We have had another great year of serving our patients and bringing smiles to people’s faces, and look forward to another year of the same. Here are some of the things we are most thankful for:

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Solutions for Missing Teeth

Contributed by DentalROI

Dental ImplantsAre you missing any teeth? Maybe you are missing just a single tooth, or maybe you are missing several – whatever the case, you should know that there are a variety of options for you to consider. Some people want to have their missing teeth replaced in order to build confidence in their smile. Others seek treatment for the functional benefits of having a full set of teeth once again. Regardless of your underlying motivation, Spokane Dental would be happy to assist.

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What is Periodontitis?

Karissa Barker

Periodontal Disease TreatmentWe have all heard the phrase “gum disease”, and chances are if you’ve been to the dentist the concept of gum health has been brought to your attention, but do you know what periodontitis, or gum disease, really is?

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Finding a Dental Practice that Uses Advanced Technology

Contributed by DentalROI

Spokane Advanced Dental OfficeIt’s hard to get your head around the technological advancements that the world has seen over the last 20 – 30 years. Things that would have been considered simply impossible a couple of decades ago are now commonplace. What is particularly amazing is that these technologies are not reserved for laboratories or huge corporations – they impact each and every one of us on a daily basis.

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